Synopsis: Youth of May is set in the year 1980 during the Gwangju Uprising, follows the love story of medical student Hwang Hee-Tae (Lee Do-hyun) and nurse Kim Myung-Hee (Go Min-si). Rather than focusing on the frontline of the Gwangju Uprising, the drama is about the love and friendships of young people who would’ve had ordinary lives otherwise.Hwang Hee-Tae (Lee Do-hyun) becomes the pride of Gwangju when he enters Seoul National University College of Medicine with top marks. His best friend Kyung-Soo, an avid pro-democracy activist, insists they open an illegal clinic for students on the run from the government. One day, a factory worker is injured during a protest. In exchange for the costs of discreetly transporting himself and the factory worker to his hometown, Hee-Tae must go to a meeting with a potential marriage partner arranged by his father. At this meeting, Hee-Tae meets Myung-Hee (Go Min-si), a nurse persevering through the hardships of life. She only agrees to go to this meeting in place of her friend Soo-Ryeon (Keum Sae-rok), because she needs to come up with the airfare to go study in Germany. However, Myung-Hee and Hee-Tae end up falling in love.In May 1980, amidst the heated passion and cries for democracy that reverberate throughout Gwangju, Hee-Tae and Myung-Hee find themselves in a twist of fate.