Synopsis: 'Girls' World' returns with new cast tvN D STUDIO's original web drama "Girl's World 2" tells the sweet story of 18-year-old Nari who has her first love. The drama depicts a cute story of 18-year-old girls who experience their first love, dreams, and friendship for the first time in the world, and students who only have friends in their entire world. The protagonist Wu Nali who started the second season will be played by Choi Ruina from IZ*ONE. At the same time as the debut, the role of "new face" Zhou Canyang, who makes Nali and her friends nervous, is played by idol and actor Liu Shanhao. Actor Lee Won Jung is set to play Kwon Seung Ha, Nari's black-haired male friend. The role of Lim Sun Ji is played by Jihan, a member of the group weeekly.