Synopsis: The drama is a remake of the 2008 Fuji TV Japanese drama “Zettai Kareshi“, which in turn was based on a popular Japanese manga of the same name by author ‘Yuu Watase‘.It’s tells the story of Uhm Da Da (Bang Min Ah), a special effects makeup artist who has never had much success with love; and Zero Nine (Yeo Jin Goo), a humanoid robot built to become the ideal boyfriend.Dan Dan, is a woman who works as a special effects make-up artist but has a very cold-heart. She then, unexpectedly, falls in love with Yeong Goo, a humanoid robot programmed to be a perfect boyfriend. Yeong Goo begins to develop human emotions, and they end up in a love triangle with her famous actor childhood friend, Ma Wang Joon, who also falls for her.